Seasons Celebrations
It is truly the “season to be jolly”! We have had much to celebrate over the past couple of weeks and thought we would take the opportunity to share the children’s many successes with you.
Yesterday the Department for Education (DfE) published the school league tables, showing the year six 2016-17 SATS results of over 16,000 primaries . We were absolutely delighted to find ourselves in the Top 10 in Surrey, placing 8th out of more than 200 schools.
Secondly, the Christmas Fayre raised a staggering total of £3,474.53. It was such a fun event and we are very grateful to everyone who planned, helped and attended. Particular thanks must go to our superb PTA, who worked tirelessly to ensure the event’s huge success. The money raised will greatly benefit the children. Please do look out for the photos which will shortly be uploaded onto our website.
Children from our Dance and Bollywood clubs also took part in the Café Community last week, a fabulous occasion at which children from surrounding schools entertained the older residents of the area. Our children behaved and performed brilliantly.
On Wednesday 13th December some of our fantastic gymnasts took part in a competition with 10 other schools at Bishop David Brown. Our year 3/4 team came 2nd out of 8 teams, and our two year 5/6 teams came 3rd and 5th out of 18 teams. Every child performed at their best and we are very proud of them.
Yesterday the school choir went to the Veterinary Laboratories and sang Christmas carols to the staff. We received a delightful email of thanks, saying that the children “made the place feel more Christmassy than it has done in years.” The email also said that “the children were immaculately behaved and were a real credit to the school”.
Our school is only as successful as it is because of the contribution made by all the members of our school community—children, staff, parents and volunteers. Our thanks to all.