Autumn Term 2020
September 2020
As we look ahead to September we are greatly looking forward to welcoming all our pupils to school. However, we anticipate that we will still be working within COVID-19 guidelines for schools as outlined below. The children’s first day of the 2020-21 academic year will be Wednesday 2nd September.
Protective ‘bubbles’
Government guidance for September states that schools should do all they can to minimise contacts and mixing, whilst delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. The overarching principle is to reduce the number of contacts between children and staff by keeping the children in consistent groups. Maintaining distinct groups or ‘bubbles’ that do not mix makes it quicker and easier, in the event of positive cases of COVID-19, to identify those who may need to self-isolate. At New Haw, in September, children will be placed in year group bubbles. Children in one bubble will not mix with children in other bubbles during the school day, other than in the school toilets Year 3, for example, will play and eat lunch only with other Year 3 children.
Arriving and leaving school
Government guidance to schools also states that parents are not allowed to gather at the school gates, nor come onto the school site without a pre-arranged appointment. Schools have been advised to stagger start and finish times to keep groups apart. The timings for September will therefore be as follows:
Cohort |
2020-21 year groups |
Start |
Play |
Lunch |
End |
A |
Years 3 and 4 |
8.30am |
10.15—10.30am |
11.45am—12.35pm |
3.10pm |
B |
Year 5 & 6 |
8.45am |
10.45-11.00am |
12.40—1.30pm |
3.25pm |
We would ask parents to closely adhere to the above timings. Please be especially mindful about parking in The Avenue, especially at the end of the school day. Where possible, we would encourage Year 6 pupils to come to and from school independently, as long as parents feel it is safe for them to do so. This will greatly limit the number of people at the school gates each day. To alleviate parking pressures, and keep the school gates as clear as possible, Year 6 and other parents may wish to perhaps meet their child at a pre-arranged place, away from the school site.
Keeping the environment safe
In September, children should not bring large bags into school. We would be grateful if, on 2nd September, all parents could provide their child with a named pencil case, containing basic stationery—writing pencil, pen, rubber, pencil sharpener, short ruler, coloured pencils. Pencil cases need to be made from material that is easily wiped clean. The pencil case will stay in school for the duration of the term. If your child has their own stationery, it means they will not have to share school supplies. Stationery will, of course, be provided for any child whose parents are financially unable to do so. If this is the case with your family, please do not hesitate to contact the school office ( by Monday 20th July, so that we can ensure that a stationery pack is ready for your child on 2nd September.
School Uniform
All pupils will be expected to return in school uniform.
Summer Learning Booklets
We are very mindful that by the time school opens in September many of our pupils will have been out of school for 6 months. To give them the best possible start for the new year we are sending each child home this week with a Summer Learning Booklet. We would greatly appreciate your help and encouragement in ensuring your child completes the booklet during the holiday and brings it back into school on Wednesday 2nd September. For those pupils unable to attend on transition days the booklets can be found on our website under the tab ‘Our Learning’ under the relevant year for 2020-21.
Road Safety – cycling or scooting to school
From September all pupils who wish to cycle or ride a scooter to school will need to wear a helmet. If your child does not have a helmet you may wish to purchase one over the holidays. Cycling permit forms (to be issued in September) will need to be completed for all pupils who wish to cycle or scoot to school.